*Scala解答例 [#p9ba346f]


-Scala 2.10.2
-Java 1.7.0_21 32bit
-sbt 0.12.4




**[[ループ練習>練習問題#eb2c4338]] [#s1c6b422]
***問1 [#ke7969de]
 object Main extends App {
   for (i <- 1 to 5) {
     println("Hello World!")

 object Main extends App {
   (1 to 5) foreach { _ =>
     println("Hello World!")

***問2 [#ybb0b896]
 object Main extends App {
   val j = args(0).toInt
   for (i <- 1 to j) {
     println("Hello World! " + i)

 object Main extends App {
   val j = args(0).toInt
   (1 to j) foreach { i =>
     println("Hello World! " + i)

**[[FizzBuzz>練習問題#t52e5a48]] [#ga808233]
 object Main extends App {
   def fizzBuzz(n: Int) =
     if (n % 15 == 0) {
     } else if (n % 5 == 0) {
     } else if (n % 3 == 0) {
     } else {
   (1 to 100).map(fizzBuzz).foreach(println)

**[[素数判定>練習問題#o8db2119]] [#ldc71efe]
***判定 [#v8e35b34]
 object Main extends App {
   def prime(n: Int) =
     2 <= n && !(2 until (math.sqrt(n) + 1.0).toInt).exists(n % _ == 0)
   val n = args(0).toInt
   println(n.toString + "は" + (if (prime(n)) "素数" else "非素数"))

***列挙 [#j53b2078]
 object Main extends App {
   def primes(xs: Stream[Int] = Stream.from(2)): Stream[Int] =
     xs.head #:: primes(xs.tail.filter(_ % xs.head != 0))
   primes() takeWhile {
     _ <= 100
   } foreach {

**[[うるう年測定>練習問題#i0d67516]] [#xd158eb1]
 import java.util.GregorianCalendar
 object Main extends App {
   val cal = new GregorianCalendar()
   while (true) {
     print("西暦を入力してください> ")
     val y = readInt()
     if (y <= 0) sys.exit()
     printf("%dはうるう年%s\n", y,
       if (cal.isLeapYear(y)) "です" else "ではありません")

**[[転置行列>練習問題#q9f27a17]] [#o9735320]
 import scala.annotation.tailrec
 object Main extends App {
   type Mx = List[Array[String]]
   def matrix(xs: Mx = Nil): Mx = {
     val sep = """\s+""".r
     val s = readLine()
     if (s.length <= 0) xs else matrix(xs :+ sep.split(s))
   matrix().transpose.foreach(x => println(x.mkString(" ")))

**[[カレンダー出力>練習問題#i5e3e061]] [#xde7305e]

 name := "vipcal"
 version := "1.0"
 scalaVersion := "2.10.2"
 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
     "org.scala-lang" % "scala-swing" % "2.10.2",
     "org.swinglabs.swingx" % "swingx-core" % "1.6.5-1"


 import scala.swing._
 import org.jdesktop.swingx.{JXDatePicker, JXMonthView}
 import java.awt.event.{ActionEvent, ActionListener}
 object Main extends SimpleSwingApplication {
   override lazy val top = new MainFrame with ActionListener {
     self =>
     val monthView = new JXMonthView()
     val datePicker = new JXDatePicker(monthView.getToday)
     contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
       contents += Component.wrap(datePicker)
       contents += Component.wrap(monthView)
     def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) {
       val d = datePicker.getDate


**[[配列いじり>練習問題#w5561ad6]] [#ode26856]
 object Main extends App {
   def tailZero(xs: Array[Int]) =
     xs.head +: Array.fill(xs.tail.size){ 0 }
   val a = Array(3, 5, 2, 4, 2)
   println(a.mkString(" "))
   println(tailZero(a).mkString(" "))

**[[Caesar暗号解読>練習問題#h54a0395]] [#g5a75e45]
 object Main extends App {
   val ciphertext =
     """qdq-gi.q-a ziatmxxitmdqibtqi-ustbi ri.qmoqrcxi.qbubu zir
       |-ibtqi-qp-qaai ripmymsqkir -ibtqi-qy dmxi ri.cnxuoi rruoumxakir
       |-ibtqiqzmobyqzbkii-q.qmxi -imyqzpyqzbi rixmeaki -puzmzoqai
       |-i-qscxmbu zaimzpir -i btq-iymbbq-a;iz -iatmxximzgi.q-a
       |zinqiuzimzgiemgipuao-uyuzmbqpimsmuzabir -ia. za -uzsiacotiimi.qbubu zj""".stripMargin.filter(_ != '\n')
   val chars = """abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .,-"""
   (for (i <- 1 until chars.length)
     yield chars.zip(chars.splitAt(chars.length - i - 1) match {
   def rot(s: String, count: Int) =
     s.splitAt(s.length - count - 1) match {
       case (a, b) => b + a
   ) map {
   (1 until chars.length) map {
     i => chars.zip(rot(chars, i)).toMap
   } map {
     p => ciphertext.map(c => p.getOrElse(c, c))
   } filter(_.contains("person")) foreach {

**[[フィボナッチ数列>練習問題#p59f794f]] [#v6061921]
 import scala.annotation.tailrec
 object Main extends App {
   def fibs(a: Int, b: Int)(n: Int): Int =
     n match {
       case 0 => a
       case _ => fibs(b, a + b)(n - 1)
   val fib = fibs(0, 1) _
   val n = args(0).toInt
   printf("%d: %d\n", n, fib(n))

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