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詳しい特徴と機能についての紹介は AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ → イントロダクション でされています。


初心者 & ニューカマー へのアドバイス

Tutorial for Newbies より引用~

As a person who started using AHK having absolutely zero programming experience (never taken a class or read a book on computers in my life), I will give you my 2 cents on learning it.

I think exploring the forum works great if you have even a little bit of background in this area. If, like me, you have none, I would learn it in the following order (this is how I would do it if I had to do it over again). Razz My reasoning here is that for a person starting from scratch, you need to learn concepts before learning commands, and the forum is geared more towards commands.

First read the Tutorial, the Scripts page, and then the FAQ. Afterwards, I would recommend learning concepts in the following order:

  1. Hotstrings
  2. Hotkeys
  3. Mouse Clicks & Mouse HotKeys
  4. Variables
  5. Loops - especially Parsing Loops
  6. String commands - (e.g. StringMid, StringReplace)
  7. If,Else statements
  8. Expressions
  9. Arrays & Dynamic variables - (StringSplit)
  10. GoSub & Functions
  11. GUIs
  12. Windows Messages
  13. DllCall

The first 3 you will not necessarily use very often once you become proficient with the program; but they are the easiest to comprehend and implement. Everything from Variables through GUIs is what I would consider the "core" of the program that you will use repeatedly to write virtually all of your scripts with. Windows Messages and DLLCalls are the advanced techniques that are the most powerful but most complicated. The average user will probably never have the need and desire to master these two.

Of course this list is not set in stone, and you may be learning multiple items at once (for example you may want to scratch the surface of GUIs right away), but I think all of the items are important to learn about if you plan to use AHK more than a few times, and I tried to arrange them in an order that would be most logical and systematic.

When you're wondering how to accomplish a specific task in AHK, remember that most of the commands have a common naming scheme to identify what they do. For example:

Commands dealing with files start with File.
Commands dealing with windows start with Win.
Commands dealing with text start with String.


Commands that retrieve data from somewhere contain Get.
Commands that apply data to somewhere contain Set.

Combining the two previous structures, we have commands like:

FileGetSize - Retrieve the size of a file.
WinGetTitle - Retrieve the title of a window.
StringGetPos - Retrieve the position of a piece of text inside a larger piece (like a sentence in a paragraph).

FileSetTime - Apply a new Time Stamp to a file.
WinSetTitle - Apply a new title to a window.
SetTimer - Apply a new Timer, which is a command or group of commands that run at timed intervals.

Good Luck, and remember that nobody was born knowing any of this. It takes time.


Original Post by jaco0646


引用しっぱなしで終わり、というのも乱暴すぎる気がするので、上記の引用文中の序列リスト(番号付きリスト)の部分についてだけ、 AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ さんで対応しているであろうページを紹介してみます。

  1. Hotstring
  2. ホットキー
  3. Mouse Click & Mouse HotKeys
  4. 変数 , 演算・変数・関数関連
  5. 繰り返し処理 , Loop (parse a string)
  6. 文字列操作 (e.g. StringMid , StringReplace)
  7. If(式) & If/IfEqual/IfNotEqual/IfLess/IfLessOrEqual/IfGreater/IfGreaterOrEqual , Else
  8. 配列 & Dynamic variables,( StringSplit )
  9. Gosub & 関数
  10. GUI表示
  11. ウィンドウの指定 & PostMessage/SendMessage Tutorial
  12. DllCall()

多分、最初は AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ さんのトップページを上から順に見ていく事と思いますが、 スクリプトを自分で書くようになるにはスクリプトの概要を理解する目的で スクリプト仕様 のページを繰り返し読むことになるかと思います。








AutoHotkey スレッド part6より~


A.Compile_AHK II を試してみて下さい(08年12月14日現在)。"No UPX"オプションがあるので、UPXで圧縮しないでコンパイルしてみて下さい。 もしかしたら改善されるかもしれません。


AutoHotkey - Free Mouse and Keyboard Macro Program with Hotkeys and AutoText


AutoHotkey Script Showcase
AutoHotkey wiki - Category:Scripts - AutoHotkey , Script Listing - AutoHotkey
目当てのスクリプト(の記事)を見つけるのにForumから検索*5*6して探すのが大変なら、先ずこのページにあるリンクからあたってみましょう。 - 中には古い記事もあるので記事の日付け、内容に注意。
AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ → My Scripts
Tutorials - AutoHotkey
Tutorial for Newbies
初心者 & ニューカマー向けの有用なチュートリアル


API Wrappers - AutoHotkey wiki
WinAPI *7にアクセス出来ます。
Windows Data Types lookup tool - Autohotkey forums
Crazy Scripting : A handy tool to lookup Win32 Constants - Autohotkey forums
WinAPI関連:補助スクリプト "W32C_R01.CSV is a listing of 11836 Constants"
Easy WinAPI - WinAPI Parser, DllCall with single hotkey - Autohotkey forums
StructParser (for C/C++ structs) - Autohotkey forums
補助スクリプト: →Known Issues - Autohotkey forums
Crazy Scripting : WinAPI Listing
WinAPI関連:補助スクリプト - リストからWinAPI関数を検索、MSDNライブラリの該当ページをブラウザで表示。
win32help.ahk (Win32 API 用ラッパ作成ヘルパスクリプト)
DllCall() のラッパ、構造体操作ラッパ、加えて定数定義を作成するためのヘルパスクリプト - Requires: C++ コンパイラ、 Win32 API のヘッダ
OpenGL DllCalls - Autohotkey forums
OpenGL*8 in AHK. 関連:Zippos OpenGL - AHK 3D-Engine. - Autohotkey forums(独語)操作解説(英語)-Keys - Autohotkey forums
GDI+ standard library 1.26 by tic
GDI+ *9 :サンプル - [examples+minituts] The GDI+ Examplecodes thread


COM Wrappers - AutoHotkey wiki
COM Standard Library - Autohotkey forums
関数ライブラリスクリプト#Include - AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ
Embed an Internet Explorer control in your AHK Gui via COM - Autohotkey forums
"This is a standard library for IE/WebBrowser controls."
関連:IE and Gui Browser Com Tutorial - Autohotkey forums
Windows Scripting for Autohotkey - official homepage
VBScript,JScriptの組み込み - "Embed VBScript or JScript directly in your Autohotkey programs." : Embedded Windows Scripting (VBScript & JScript) and COM - official thread in the Autohotkey forums
AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ → My Scripts → ActiveX


物置 > AutoHotkeyベースにされたようです(08年12月25日現在)。ベース(タイムスタンプ:2009年4月21日)
文字列処理(正規表現も含む)には、依然として駄目文字等の Shift JIS を扱う際の問題が含まれています。
Read and Write Unicode
FileAppend Unicode text
Reading € from a file
AutoHotkey_L (Lexikos' custom build) Revision 25 - March 30, 2009 - Support for Send {U+xxxx}. Character codes can be looked up using Windows' Character Map.

デバッグ あれこれ

AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ → スクリプト → スクリプトのデバッグ
AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ → リファレンス → OutputDebug
110.22 Ahk script Debugger 1.1.5b (line-by-line capable)
"An interactive AHk debugger"
Debugging - Autohotkey forums
Debug helper スクリプト など
Debug() [Func] - Autohotkey forums
if you're working with #Include files
function must be called from itself rather than calling from d.ahk
to show correct info for currently executing function/filename 
debugging using A_LIneNumber - Autohotkey forums
RunDebugView.ahk - DebugView を利用。
Gui, Show bug - Autohotkey forums
Trace.ahk - DebugView を利用。
DebugBIF - debug built-in functions (was DllCallDebugger) - for AutoHotkey v1.0.48
appropriate version of LowLevel are required.


DebugViewDebugView for Windows - © Microsoft Corporation.
使い方 - 参考:
差をつけるデバッグ術! ~ 知られざるログ出力 - プログラミング徹底解説
Dependency Walker (depends.exe) Home Page
Dependency Walker 日本語化パッチ+α - G-PROJECT
Dependency Walkerの文字化け対策 - G-PROJECT
[SMS] Dependency Walker for Win32 (Depends.exe) について
DLL Export Viewer
WinAPI、COM、.NETのモニタリング(and フッキング)ツール - COM Auto Monitoring(see also COM Options) , .NET monitoring / Tutorial Videos
Dll Export Finder
ActiveVB - ApiViewer (en)
MiTeC OLE/COM Object Explorer
SPY for Internet Explorer
実行中のInternet Explorerで発生するイベントの監視(WebBrowser control)

mini info

AutoHotkey Changes and New FeaturesAutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ → バージョンアップしたら上げるスレ
Compile_AHK IICompile_AHK II - for those who compile! - Autohotkey forums
Update of 2008-11-05 以降、"No UPX"オプション(GUI)が付いています。(コンパイラそのものは公式サイトで配布されているものに標準で付いて来ます) - Viruses found in executable after compile , Tutorial: How to compile .AHK files and include your own ico
chm版リファレンス - スクリプト投稿スレ > 127
『AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ』のHTML HELP版、 v1.0.47.00 対応。
SciTE4AutoHotkey v2 stable
SciTE4AutoHotkey v2 - New SciTE4AHK version in the making , SciTE4AutoHotkey v2 Stable - Released.
full portable app
portableな環境で使えるようにして欲しい(←意訳) -
save.recent、save.sessionの値を 0 に(無効に)する案 -
別の方法 - 応急処置(SciTE4AutoHotkey2のバージョンが上がれば必要なくなるかもしれない):
;-- SciTELaunch.exe キック用 ------------
; SciTELaunch.exeと同じディレクトリに置く
EnvSet, SciTE_HOME, %A_ScriptDir% 
Run, %A_ScriptDir%\SciTELaunch.exe
; ---------------------------------------
"SciTE4AutoHotkey v2" メニュー日本語化パック
AutoHotokeyを流行らせるアップローダ - に UP しました。 -
AutoHotkey_L (Lexikos' custom build) - "pre-release" DBGp client functions written in AutoHotkey - "Hopefully we will see interactive debugging in SciTE4AutoHotkey in the not-too-distant future."
関連:AutoHotkey_L - Debugging FeaturesInteractiveDebugging.avi - 基本的なデバッグの様子を収めたスクリーンキャスト。
ironahk - Google Code
Forum内のスレッド:IronAHK - .NET port of AutoHotkey for Windows, Linux, Mac...
scite-4-ironahk - Google Code
IronAHK 仕様の SciTE
binaries - Autohotkey.dll
source - tinku99's ahkdll at master - GitHub
* embed autohotkey in another program
* dynamically add #include type files to a running script
addFile(file). Functions and labels should work fine.
#Directives and Exit Routines may not work as expected.
* multithreading
Class library
The Class library is a toolset to add OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) to AHK

Class library (OOP) - Help ThreadClass library (OOP) - Wish list / Bug reports threadIntroduction To OOP / OOP - プログラミングスレまとめ in VIP

Jimulation - or another aproach to a oop system for ahk
The library Jimulation.ahk is the only file needed to use it. 
Rosetta Code - Category:AutoHotkey
Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site.
The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible,
to demonstrate how languages are similar and different,
and to aid a person with a grounding in one language in learning another.

面白い所では Bogosort , Bubble Sort ,FizzBuzz なども掲載されている。 / Challenge: translate rosettacode - Was promoting autohotkey

Sparrow: AHK WebServer w/ AHK in HTML support (sources incl)
Sparrow is a webserver completly written in AHK,
which nativly supports AHK scrips being embedded in HTML. 
So called HKML files (pronounce H-Key-ML). The results are sent back to requested browser.

*1 DllCall() - AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ
*2 Component Object Model - Wikipedia
*3 エスケープ文字 - AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ
*4 #EscapeChar - AutoHotkeyを流行らせるページ
*5 検索用スクリプトの公開もされていたりします:Quick Search for Autohotkey
*6 Firefox用検索プラグイン - english-forum,german-forum:FF2+ Search Plugin
*7 Windowsが提供するさまざまな機能:Windows API - Wikipedia
*8 OpenGL - Wikipedia
*9 Graphics Device Interface - Wikipedia

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