 import sys
 from calendar import *
 from datetime import *
 y = int(raw_input('input year: '))
 m = int(raw_input('input month: '))
 from calendar import monthrange, weekday
 y = int(input('input year: '))
 m = int(input('input month: '))
 w = ' Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su'
 D = monthrange(y, m)[1] # last day of the month
 F = weekday(y, m, 1)
 s = '   ' * (F+1) + '  '.join(map(str,range(1, 10))) + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str,range(10,D+1)))
 s = '   ' * (F+1) + '  '.join(map(str,range(1, 10))) + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str,range(10, D+1)))
 print(w, end='')
 for i, e in enumerate(s):
   if i % len(w) == 0 or i+1 == len(s): print
     print(e, end='\n' if i % len(w) == 0 or (i+1) == len(s) else '')

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