times 0 action = return () times n action = action >> times (n-1) action main = do 5 `times` putStrLn "Hello World!"
main = putStr $ "おっぱい!" >> "Hello World!\n"
import System.Environment times 0 action = return () times n action = action >> times (n-1) action main = do x <- getArgs (read (x !! 0)) `times` putStrLn "Hello World!"
import System.Environment import Control.Monad main :: IO () main = fmap (read . head) getArgs >>= \n -> forM_ [1..n] $ putStrLn . ("Hello World! "++) . show
main = do mapM_ putStrLn (map fizzBuzz [1..100]) fizzBuzz :: Integer -> String fizzBuzz n | n `mod` 15 == 0 = "FizzBuzz" | n `mod` 5 == 0 = "Buzz" | n `mod` 3 == 0 = "Fizz" | otherwise = show n
fizzbuzz :: [String] fizzbuzz = zipWith3 f [1..] fizz buzz where f i x y = if null x && null y then show i else x ++ y fizz = cycle ["", "", "Fizz"] buzz = cycle ["", "", "", "", "Buzz"] fizzbuzz' :: [String] fizzbuzz' = map f [1..] where f i = let x = g i in if null x then show i else x g x = concat [ s | (i, s) <- [(3, "Fizz"), (5, "Buzz")], mod x i == 0 ] main :: IO () main = mapM_ putStrLn $ take 30 fizzbuzz
primesTo m = 2 : sieve [3, 5..m] where sieve [] = [] sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve (xs `minus` [p*p, p*p+2*p..m]) minus (x:xs) (y:ys) = case (compare x y) of LT -> x : minus xs (y:ys) EQ -> minus xs ys GT -> minus (x:xs) ys minus xs _ = xs main = do print $ primesTo (floor 1e6)
isleap :: Integer -> Bool isleap y | y `mod` 400 == 0 = True | y `mod` 100 == 0 = False | y `mod` 4 == 0 = True | otherwise = False main = do putStrLn "西暦を入力してください" x <- getLine putStrLn (x ++ "年はうるう年" ++ if isleap(read(x)) then "です" else "ではありません" )
import System.Environment fibo = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibo (tail fibo) main = do x <- getArgs putStrLn (show (fibo !! read (x !! 0)))
pow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer pow _ 0 = 1 pow 0 _ = 0 pow a b = a * pow a (b-1) main = do putStrLn (show (pow 2 10))
pow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer pow 0 _ = 0 pow _ 0 = 1 pow a b = pow' 1 a b where pow' x a 0 = x pow' x a b | even b = pow' x (a*a) (div b 2) | otherwise = pow' (x*a) a (b-1) main = do putStrLn (show (pow 2 1000007))
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] quicksort [] = [] quicksort (x:xs) = let smallerSorted = quicksort[a | a<-xs, a <= x] biggerSorted = quicksort[a | a<-xs, a > x] in smallerSorted ++ [x] ++ biggerSorted main :: IO() main = print $ quicksort [5, 7, 9, 2, 1, 3, 8, 4, 6, 0]
nabeatsu :: Integer -> String nabeatsu x = if mod x 3 == 0 || elem '3' s then "Aho" else s where s = show x main :: IO () main = putStrLn . unwords $ map nabeatsu [1..100]
import Data.List (isInfixOf) next :: String -> Char -> Char next (x:xs) = \c -> if x == c then head xs else next xs c next _ = id analyze :: String -> String analyze = head . filter (isInfixOf keyword) . iterate (map $ next chars) where chars = "-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .,-" keyword = "person" main :: IO () main = putStrLn $ analyze encoded where encoded = "qdq-gi.q-a ziatmxxitmdqibtqi-ustbi ri.qmoqrcxi.qbubu zir -ibtq\ \i-qp-qaai ripmymsqkir -ibtqi-qy dmxi ri.cnxuoi rruoumxakir -ib\ \tqiqzmobyqzbkii-q.qmxi -imyqzpyqzbi rixmeaki -puzmzoqai -i-qsc\ \xmbu zaimzpir -i btq-iymbbq-a;iz -iatmxximzgi.q-a zinqiuzimzgi\ \emgipuao-uyuzmbqpimsmuzabir -ia. za -uzsiacotiimi.qbubu zj"
import System.IO import System.Random import Control.Monad game :: Int -> IO () game x = do us <- getLine case reads us of [(u, _)] -> when (x /= u) $ do putStrLn . ("too "++) . (++"!") $ if x < u then "big" else "small" game x _ -> putStrLn "invalid input!" >> game x main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering putStrLn "input a number!" getStdGen >>= game . fst . randomR (1,100) putStrLn "right!"
tailZero :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a] tailZero = zipWith (*) (1 : repeat 0) main :: IO () main = print $ tailZero [3,5,2,4,2]
import Control.Applicative pascal :: [[Integer]] pascal = [1] : map (zipWith (+) <$> ([0] ++) <*> (++ [0])) pascal sierpinski :: Int -> String sierpinski = unlines . map (map draw) . flip take pascal where draw x = if odd x then '*' else ' ' main :: IO () main = putStr $ sierpinski 32
import System.Environment ff :: Int -> Int -> Int ff y m | m < 3 = ff (y-1) (m+12) | otherwise = 365*y + (y`div`4) - (y`div`100) + (y`div`400) + ((306*(m+1))`div`10) - 428 + 1 calendar :: Int -> Int -> String calendar y m | y < 1 || m < 1 || 12 < m = error "calendar" | otherwise = unlines . ("Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa":) . split7 $ map toStr calList where calList = [1 - (ff y m) `mod` 7 .. ff y (m+1) - ff y m] toStr x = if 0 < x then sp x $ show x else " " sp x = if x < 10 then (' ':) else id split7 [] = [] split7 xs = let (as, bs) = splitAt 7 xs in unwords as : split7 bs main :: IO () main = fmap (map read) getArgs >>= \[y,m] -> putStr $ calendar y m
import System.Environment hanoi :: Integer -> a -> a -> a -> [(a, a)] hanoi 0 _ _ _ = [] hanoi n a b c = hanoi (n-1) a c b ++ [(a,b)] ++ hanoi (n-1) c b a main :: IO () main = do [x] <- fmap (map read) getArgs let f = \(i,(a,b)) -> putStrLn $ show i ++ ": " ++ a ++ "->" ++ b mapM_ f . zip [1..] $ hanoi x "A" "B" "C"
import Data.List (transpose)
import System.IO import System.Random import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M type User = Bool type Initial = Char type Dict = S.Set String type Used = M.Map String (Int, User) game :: User -> Initial -> Dict -> Used -> IO () game user c dic used = do word <- if user then userInput c dic else randomSelect c dic used case word of [] -> putStrLn $ winMsg usedSize _ -> case M.lookup word used of Just (n, u) -> putStrLn $ loseMsg n u usedSize Nothing -> game (not user) (last word) dic $ M.insert word (usedSize + 1, user) used where usedSize = M.size used winMsg n = "S: まいりました!あなたの勝ちです。今回のしりとりでは " ++ show n ++ " 個の単語を使用しました。" loseMsg n u m = "S: その言葉は " ++ show n ++ " 回目に " ++ (if u then "あなた" else "わたし") ++ " が使用しています。わたしの勝ちです。\ \今回のしりとりでは " ++ show m ++ " 個の単語を使用しました。" userInput :: Initial -> Dict -> IO String userInput c dic = do putStr "U: " s <- getLine if not (null s) && head s /= c then putStrLn ("S: " ++ [c] ++ "から初めてください") >> userInput c dic else if S.member s dic then return s else putStrLn "S: 辞書に存在しない単語です。" >> userInput c dic randomSelect :: Initial -> Dict -> Used -> IO String randomSelect c dic used = do gen <- getStdGen newStdGen let sub = S.filter (\x -> head x == c && M.notMember x used) dic idx = fst $ randomR (0, S.size sub - 1) gen word = if S.null sub then [] else S.toList sub !! idx when (word /= []) . putStrLn $ "S: " ++ word return word start :: IO () start = do gen <- getStdGen content <- readFile "word.dic" let user = fst $ random gen inic = fst $ randomR ('a','z') gen dic = S.fromList $ lines content when user . putStrLn $ "S: " ++ [inic] ++ "から初めてください" game user inic dic M.empty main :: IO () main = hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering >> hSetEncoding stdout utf8 >> start
import Data.Ratio lcgs :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> a -> [a] lcgs a b m x | not st = error "lcgs" | otherwise = x' : lcgs a b m x' where st = m > a && m > b && a > 0 && b >= 0 x' = (a * x + b) `mod` m main :: IO () main = mapM_ (print . fromRational) xs >> putStr "avg = " >> print (fromRational avg) where a = 997; b = 1; m = 65536; x = 12345; n = 100 xs = take n . map (% m) $ lcgs a b m x avg = sum xs / fromIntegral n
import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Function (on) topThree :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] topThree = take 3 . reverse . sortBy (on compare snd) . zip [0..] main :: IO () main = mapM_ (putStrLn . f) . topThree $ [12,6,8,3,10,1,0,9] where f = \(i,x) -> show i ++ " -> " ++ show x
-- 参考ページ -- Programming Praxis – Dijkstra’s Algorithm | Bonsai Code -- <http://bonsaicode.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/programming-praxis-dijkstra%E2%80%99s-algorithm/> import Control.Monad (replicateM) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (delete, minimumBy) import Data.Map ((!), fromList, fromListWith, adjust, keys, Map) type Pos = Int type Cost = Int dijkstra :: Pos -> Map Pos [(Pos, Cost)] -> Map Pos (Cost, Maybe Pos) dijkstra source graph = let vs = keys graph in f (fromList [(v, (if v == source then 0 else maxBound, Nothing)) | v <- vs]) vs where f ds [] = ds f ds q = f (foldr relax ds $ graph ! m) (delete m q) where m = minimumBy (on compare (ds!)) q relax (e,d) = adjust (min (fst (ds ! m) + d, Just m)) e build :: [Pos] -> Map Pos [(Pos, Cost)] build = fromListWith (++) . map f where f r = let next = filter (\x -> 0 < x && x < 99) $ map (r+) [-1,1,-10,10] in (r, zip next $ repeat 1) shortestPath :: Pos -> Pos -> Map Pos [(Pos, Cost)] -> [Pos] shortestPath from to graph = f to where f x = x : maybe [] f (snd $ dijkstra from graph ! x) answer :: String -> String answer mazeLine = drawPath where maze = zip [0..] mazeLine road = foldr (\(i,c) a -> if c == ' ' then i : a else a) [] maze [start,goal] = filter wall road where wall i = (0 < i && i < 9) || (90 < i && i < 99) || (elem i $ [0,10..90] ++ [9,19..99]) path = shortestPath start goal $ build road drawPath = map (\(i,c) -> if elem i path then '+' else c) maze main :: IO () main = mapM_ putStrLn . split10 . answer . concat =<< replicateM 10 getLine where split10 [] = [] split10 xs = let (as, bs) = splitAt 10 xs in as : split10 bs
import System.IO import System.Random main :: IO () main = hSetEncoding stdout utf8 >> getStdGen >>= putStrLn . take 2 . randomRs ('あ', 'ん')
import Control.Arrow sqrt' :: Fractional a => a -> a sqrt' = snd . (!!111) . iterate (fst &&& (/2) . uncurry(+) . (snd &&& uncurry(/))) <<< id &&& id main = print $ sqrt' 3